Mockup Review

Mockup Review

In today’s construction industry, the introduction of new construction products and industry installation methods are virtually a daily occurrence. The need for construction of mockup units on each project, for evaluation of these new products and installation methods, along with continued assembly testing when required, is apparent. Gibson Enterprise Solutions (GES), can help to facilitate the coordination of these events for your project.

The purpose of the mockup review and testing protocol is to ensure that all parties associated the project, with a vested interest, are given the opportunity to observe and comment on the selected sample constructed assemblies prior to production installation on the actual structure. In some cases, a mockup assembly can be used for testing purposes as well. That is a decision typically left to the Owner / Developer and/or Architect of Record. A mockup review and testing protocol plan is encouraged prior to the start of actual construction.


Mockup Review – As part of our GES QA/QC Building Inspection services, we will coordinate, conduct, and document, a meeting to review the construction of the completed mockup assembly. Attendees of the meeting will be encouraged to actively participate in a “Go” or “No Go” type of discussion to ensure that the mockup assembly meets with the approval from all interested parties.

Project teams are encouraged to plan and prepare for the construction of a mockup during the master construction schedule creation. Once the mockup is incorporated in to the master schedule, mockup meetings for each envelope assembly will be conducted as necessary. As a general rule, we will make every attempt to coordinate meetings to coincide with the start of a new exterior building envelope assembly, or to conduct multiple mockup meetings in conjunction.

Results of the mockup meetings will be forwarded to the architect of record for incorporation in to the construction document details as necessary.


Testing Protocol – The testing of designated assemblies is typically defined as part of the project specifications, as provided by the Architect of Record. In some cases where that information is not provided or defined in the specifications, the Owner or Developer will require that certain assemblies be tested either prior to, or during construction (i.e. windows, doors, walls, roof). As part of our GES QA/QC Building Inspection program, we will help to coordinate and provide input when asked to do so, as to the specifics regarding the type of test, suggested location of the test, or other pertinent information applicable to the testing requirement (example: AAMA or ASTM requirements, or location of windows and doors to be tested, and at what stage of the assembly construction that the testing should take place).

If desired by the client, GES can provide for the actual testing of the assembly, typically for an additional fee outside of the normal GES QA/QC Building Inspection scope of services.


Training – Often when new products or new assemblies are used on a project, not everyone may be familiar with the materials or installation methods of the new product. In this example, GES will provide field training to subcontractors or other project team members, so that the correct manufacturer’s installation methods are being followed. Thus ensuring the warranty remains in place.

In other instances, old or outdated installation methods may need to be updated. In this case GES will conduct a training session with the appropriate project team members to help to ensure that the most current installation methods and construction products are being used.

Clients should consider the knowledgeable and experienced GES staff as a resource for use, whether it be for Mockup Review, Testing, or Training.


  • General Consulting