Waterproofing Review

Waterproofing Review

A Waterproofing Review in today’s construction environment, is a virtual and practical “necessity“. The days of design and project personnel having the time in their day to physically vet every single construction waterproofing detail, has passed. It is a more specialized construction world, and we at Gibson Enterprise Solutions (GES) are a part of that specialization. Our focus is the construction, and that’s all we do!

Our Waterproofing Review program focuses on opportunities to improve the construction quality, and not just to point out the bad. We communicate and work with your project team to find “solutions to problems“, in many cases before they become a bigger problem.

Our Waterproofing Review services save you time and money by not having to perform costly rework, and significantly reduce the number of callbacks on a project, not to mention, “keeping the structure dry!” Our review of the waterproofing details, will result in more assemblies being constructed correctly, in support of the design intent as provided by the architect of record.

Communication is paramount in our Waterproofing Review program. GES personnel will work with your project team to identify and resolve suspect waterproofing details, not only early in the design phase, but also as they arise in the field. Our program is “solutions” oriented. We help you to keep the project moving forward! Our goal is to not only bring items to your attention when necessary, but to facilitate improvement as the construction progresses, and ultimately to contribute to a higher quality final product as a valuable project team member.


  • General Consulting